It Is Time to Be Selfish

There's an African proverb that goes like, "Never borrow a shirt from a shirtless man."

It Is Time to Be Selfish
Image by author

There’s a girl I know who has always been there for everyone around her. She’s the kind of person who is always ready to help and always willing to spend her money on others. 

Her life revolves around taking care of her family and friends, doing everything she can for them.

It sounds admirable, doesn’t it? But there’s a catch.

This girl has a decent job, yet she has no time for herself. 

She wears the same old clothes while buying new ones for her family.

There’s no room for personal growth, no savings, and no investments.

Slowly, her health is declining, but she continues to put her family above herself.

Now, does that sound right to you?

There are two extremes in life. 

One is the selfish person who doesn’t care about anyone else. The other is the people-pleaser, who always thinks about others and neglects himself. Both are extremes, and neither is the answer.

So, where should you be?

If you ask me, I would say lean a little more towards the “selfish” side. Not in a negative way, but in terms of prioritizing yourself.

It may sound wrong at first, but in this life, you are judged by what you’ve achieved. 

Your health, your career, your well-being—they all matter. If you’re constantly giving without considering your own needs, you’ll burn out, and you’ll end up with nothing to offer anyone.

People will tell you to prioritize your family. 

But ask yourself. Have you truly prioritized yourself first?

Because the truth is most of the people you’re helping may not even see you when they’ve made it. And if you neglect yourself, you’ll eventually become dependent on others, not just for money but for everything you need in life.

So, what’s the solution?

Start investing in yourself.

Make time for your health. 

Schedule workouts, take care of your body, and make sure your mind is sharp. 

Learn new skills that will help you grow, not just professionally but personally as well.

The best part? When you grow, they grow.

When you become the best version of yourself, you inspire others. The people around you will respect you, and you will become their source of inspiration.

So take that step. Put yourself first.

Invest in your own growth and watch how the world around you transforms.